Foam Roller - How to Guide

because the gift of gifs is good

Hints and Tips

Here are some useful tips for when you are foam rolling. hopefully this will help get those knots of tension out of your body.

Dont Roll Joints

very important that dont do this

one of the main dangers with foam rolling and is why people often advise gettinga trainer is that beginners go over their joints which is damaging in the long run.

Bend and Extend

for tight sections

when find a particularly tough knot of tension stop rolling on this position and bend and extend your limb. if leg can rotate ankle as well

Go over

until feels good

dont worry if spead alot of time on single section. better to go over certain key spots that are personal to you.

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i am good at everythign. ye plase gimme all the moey ok cheers thanks bye

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